From Kotobukiya. A PREVIEWS Exclusive! In a collaboration between Hasbro, Takara Tomy, and Kotobukiya, Transformers, which has been loved by fans around the world since 1984 will be released as a new line as
Transformers BISHOUJO! Cliffjumper comes to life in an unwavering pose, holding her fist up with a challenging grin. Thanks to a new sculpt, the horns on her head are also featured more prominently than on Bumblebee's.The packaging is also newly designed, making this a must-have limited edition item for fans! Look forward to more coming to the BISHOUJO series as we celebrate its 15th anniversary! This statue will be available to North America though
PREVIEWS only, and this item is not planned for reproduction, so place your orders today!
In Shops: Aug 28, 2024
SRP: $149.99