(W) Stan Sakai (A/CA) Stan Sakai
Master storyteller Stan Sakai continues Usagi Yojimbo, his internationally acclaimed samurai adventure! In this issue, the third installment of "The Treasure of the Mother of Mountains," Tomoe Ame, bodyguard to the Geishu lord, fights for her life in her own province ... and with ronin Usagi at her side! Lord Sanada, a malicious and greedy opportunist who is operating an illegal gold mine, set his murderous warriors after Tomoe last issue. And though Lord Noriyuki knows that Tomoe is missing, the jealous Lord Horikawa advises him to do nothing. When Usagi is sentenced to death, will Tomoe turn herself in to save his life? Find out, this month in Usagi Yojimbo!
In Shops: Jul 06, 2005
SRP: $2.99
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