Oct 29, 2008
Superman. Batman. The Joker. Darkseid. Their names are legend, the greatest heroes or the most dangerous villains in the known universe. British publisher Eaglemoss takes the greatest characters of DC Comics and transforms them into the DC Superhero Figurine Collection Magazine, a magazine that features a sculpted lead figurine of your favorite characters along with an exclusive magazine about the character's history and greatest exploits!
Launching in April, the DC Superhero Figurine Collection leads off with Batman (ORDER CODE: NOV084394), Superman (ORDER CODE: NOV084395), the Joker (ORDER CODE: NOV084396), and a special issue devoted to Darkseid, the lord of Apokalips, featuring an oversized figurine befitting the New God. Each figurine is carefully sculpted by artisans based on DC Comics' artwork and comes painted. In addition, the magazine features artwork and text drawn from DC Comics' seventy-year history.
Begin your collection this April with the first issues of the DC Superhero Figurine Collection Magazine!
• MAGAZINES, $14.00 each, Page 339
• Three other issues are available this month — Donna Troy (ORDER CODE: NOV084397), The Spectre (ORDER CODE: NOV084398), and the Creeper (ORDER CODE: NOV084399), each $14.00 as well!
• Also look for the Darkseid Special (ORDER CODE: NOV084400, $26.00), the special collector's binder (ORDER CODE: NOV084401, $12.00), and the display plinth (ORDER CODE: NOV084402, $22.00) for the DC Superhero Figurine Collection Magazine, all on page 338 this month!