Get Graphic: Dan Panosian Hunts the Bounty Hunter!
Jun 05, 2023
Art by Dan Panosian
Interview by Troy-Jeffrey Allen
John Tiffany is one of the best bounty hunters, but now he's the one with a bounty on his head. It's a race against time as he tries to survive being a high-priced target and find out which of his confidantes is the traitor.
Arriving this July from Mad Cave Studios, John Tiffany is an original action-crime drama from Dan Panosian (Conan The Barbarian) and Stephen Desberg (IRS, The Scorpion). PREVIEWSworld hung out with Panosian to discover more about this original graphic novel.
Firstly, what is your name and where do you hail from?
I’m Dan Panosian, originally from Cleveland, OH and now residing in Los Angeles, CA.
How did you get into art? What sparked your initial interest?
My father loved the comic book art form and always wanted to be a comic book artist. I guess that was my way of impressing him.
What can you tell us about John Tiffany? What is it about?
John Tiffany is a bounty hunter and assassin that discovers that he has become a target with a sizable price on his head.
Can you get into your character design process a bit? How do you know when the character has the right look?
I read the script very thoroughly and from there, a visual idea of who the character is begins to form in my head without me even realizing it. From there it's just a matter of refining that idea until the design and the character make sense. With John Tiffany, I wanted to create a character that was very slightly uncomfortable. On the surface, he’s a type of male fantasy we have as teenagers. He’s a bounty hunter, he’s wealthy, he drives nice cars, and dates beautiful women. But there are aspects of his life that are missing. He’s restless and lonely. He’s also maybe not as mature despite the nice sports jacket and expensive haircut. All of these things help to make him relatable in a way that someone like James Bond isn’t.
Tell us about your collaborators on the book. Who else is on the team?
The story was written by Stephen Desberg, a rather famous Belgium author that was born in the United States, but grew up in Europe.
What tools do you use to draw?
I draw on paper with pencil and ink and then scan the pages into graphics programs to color.
In terms of audience, who is John Tiffany for?
It’s my hope that a large adult audience will appreciate John Tiffany. John Tiffany is a character that you can’t judge by just looking at him. The more you read the story - the more you see the vulnerabilities and human flaws. Despite his arrogance and the nature of his profession, you develop sympathy for the character. At least that’s my hope!
For more of Dan's artwork be sure to pick up John Tiffany from your local comic shop on July 19th. Available to preorder now with PREVIEWSworld Pullbox.
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Troy-Jeffrey Allen is the producer and co-host of PREVIEWSworld Weekly. His comics work includes MF DOOM: All Caps, Public Enemy's Apocalypse '91, Fight of the Century, the Harvey Award-nominated District Comics, and the Ringo Awards-nominated Magic Bullet.