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Get Graphic: Dexter Vines Inks Marvel and DC Classics

Art by Dexter Vines

Interview by Troy-Jeffrey Allen

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You've definitely seen inker Dexter Vines' work. From Civil War to The Ultimates to Buffy to Invincible - Vines' nearly thirty-year career in comics has been well-documented throughout the pages of some of your favorite stories.  

Recently, Dexter unveiled a massive collection of original art on his official site. The art on display (and available to purchase) features some of the industry's modern classics and most beloved heroes.

In the following interview, Dexter shows us some of his most coveted work - inking over the likes of comic heavy-hitters like Carlos Pacheco, Ed McGuiness, Mark Brooks, Michael Golden, Jim Cheung, and more!

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Firstly, who are you and where do hail from?

My name is Dexter Vines from The ATL! And a Grady baby, if you know you know.

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How would you describe the job of an inker?

I would describe my job as I take raw pencils and, with a brush and ink, I refine the pencils to make them look their best. Kind of how you take a rough diamond and cut and polish it to bring out the bling!

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How long have you been inking?

I have been in the business for 27 years.

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How did you get into comic books as a fan?

My best friend in high school was an artist and introduced me. I learned about comic shops and comic cons and was hooked.

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How did you get into comics as a professional?y

After years of sending out my portfolio, a good friend was an assistant to artist Joe Phillips and, after working on lots of samples, he introduced me to editors a DC Comics, and the rest is history as they say.

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What tools do you use to ink?

My main tools are Scharff brushes, Micron pens, various circle and oval templates, french curves, and rulers.

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What’s next for you?

I’m currently working on projects for DC and Dark Horse Comics. I’m also working on a personal project. It’s a sketchbook for Inkers or that’s how I’m looking at it. 

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If you're interested in more of Dexter's work then be sure to check out his Big Cartel store to purchase some of his original pages You can follow him on Instagram and Twitter

Bonus: More below! 

Keep an eye on's TwitterFacebookYouTube, or Instagram for more artist spotlights! 

(W) Christopher Priest (A) Dexter Vines, Ryan Winn, Allen Passalaqua, Johnnie Christmas, Jordan Boyd, Brian Level (A/CA) MD Bright

The most demanded return in comics is fi nally here! The original Quantum and Woody are back! Legendary creators Christopher Priest (Black Panther) and MD Bright (Iron Man) return to one of the most acclaimed series of the modern era for an all-new mini-series!

Whatever happened to the world's worst superhero team? Twenty years past their prime, the unlikely crime-fi ghting duo known as Quantum and Woody (not a couple) have long since parted ways...until a middle-aged Quantum suddenly reappears with a brand-new teenage partner. Now Woody is out to break up the all-new, all-different Quantum and Woody and put an end to Quantum's recklessness...just as Quantum takes on a life-or-death personal mission for national security. Can these former friends set aside their differences...and their age...and their numerous health join forces one last time without driving each other crazy?

Collecting Q2: THE RETURN OF QUANTUM AND WOODY #1-5 in a deluxe, oversized hardcover format for a perfect shelf companion to the QUANTUM AND WOODY: THE COMPLETE CLASSIC OMNIBUS!
In Shops: Aug 26, 2015
SRP: $24.99
PREVIEWS Page #413

(W) Christopher Priest (A) Dexter Vines, Ryan Winn (A/CA) MD Bright
The most demanded return in comics is finally here! The original Quantum and Woody are back! Legendary creators Christopher Priest (Black Panther) and M.D.
Bright (Iron Man) return to one of the most acclaimed series of the modern era!

Whatever happened to the world's worst superhero team? Twenty years past their prime, the unlikely crime-fighting duo known as Quantum and Woody (not a couple) have long since parted ways...until a middle-aged Quantum suddenly reappears with a brand-new teenage partner. Now Woody is out to break up the all-new, all different Quantum and Woody and put an end to Quantum's recklessness...just as Quantum takes on a life-or-death personal mission for national security. Can these former friends set aside their differences...and their age...and their numerous health join forces one last time without driving each other crazy?

Collecting Q2: THE RETURN OF QUANTUM AND WOODY #1-5 in trade paperback as a perfect companion to the QUANTUM AND WOODY BY PRIEST & BRIGHT collections!
In Shops: Apr 27, 2016
SRP: $17.99
PREVIEWS Page #456


Troy-Jeffrey Allen is the producer and co-host of PREVIEWSworld Weekly. His comics work includes MF DOOM: All Caps, Public Enemy's Apocalpyse '91, Fight of the Century, the Harvey Award-nominated District Comics, and the Ringo Awards-nominated Magic Bullet.

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