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Faith and Bloodshot Headline New Valiant Motion Comics

Valiant Entertainment has announced that the second episode of the FAITH MOTION COMIC has arrived!

The first episode explored the origin of Faith Herbert, aka Zephyr, and the relationship with her first love and fellow Harbinger Renegade John Torkelson, aka Torque... but what's next for the heroes and where will Faith's adventures lead her? The second episode is now available to watch on Valiant Entertainment's YouTube channel. Enjoy!

Plus: An action-packed motion comic featuring BLOODSHOT will arrive next week! Keep an eye on CBR next Wednesday, January 13th...

In case you missed it or want to watch it all over again, here's the first episode of Faith's animated adventure.

Faith's motion comic series is pulled from the pages of HARBINGER: FAITH #0, featuring a script by Joshua Dysart, artwork by Robert Gill and José Villarrubia, and letters by Dave Sharpe.

(W) Joshua Dysart (A) Robert Gill (CA) Joe Quinones
This is Faith #0!

Her first and only boyfriend to date is a little bit of an douche, her friends are all gone, and, after her insane adventure in Mexico City, Faith Hebert is feeling a little frustrated with the direction of her life. She's just a normal super-powered young woman in an increasingly crazy world. Here's the story of a true innocent and kind heart in a hard world. From the comic shop of her youth to the moment she found out that, despite her weight, she was actually light as feather.
In Shops: Dec 17, 2014
SRP: $3.99
PREVIEWS Page #387

For more stories starring Faith, her fellow Harbinger Renegades, and other heroes from the Valiant Universe, visit a comic shop near you.

See below for the motion comic's credits.

Voice Actors
FAITH: Tamara Fritz
GRANDMA: Phoenix Emrys
TORQUE: Eric Shonk
COMIC SHOP OWNER: Joe Cliff Thompson
AGENT: Megan Youmans
FIREMAN: Kenneth Faircloth

Editor: Brian Paterno
Animator: Sam Warren
Audio Supervisor: Joe Thompson

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