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Product Changes (10/20)



DIE!Namite #2 now offers four new covers (E: SEP208361, F: SEP208362, G: SEP208363, H: SEP208364, $3.99 ea.), shown below.

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Sex Criminals TP Vol. 6: Six Criminals
(MR) (AUG200105, $17.99) now runs 136 pages, not 152 pages.

Fire Power by Kirkman & Samnee #5
(SEP200205, $3.99) now runs 36 pages, not 28 pages.


The Amazing Spider-Man #52 LAST  (Reg./Vars.: SEP200612 / SEP200613 / SEP200614, $3.99 ea.) will be rated T, not T+.

The Amazing Spider-Man #52.LR (Reg./Var.: SEP200615 / SEP200616, $3.99) will be rated T, not T+.

Champions #2  (Reg./Vars.: MAR200925 / MAR200926, $3.99 ea.) will be rated T+, not T.

Iron Man #3 (SEP200610, $3.99) will have cover art by Alex Ross and not CAFU.

Marvel’s Voices #1 New Ptg. (SEP200609, $4.99) will have 48 pages and not 40 pages, with no change to editorial content or price.

 The Amazing Spider-Man #53 LAST  (Reg./Vars.: SEP200617 / SEP200618 / SEP200619, $3.99 ea.) will be rated T, not T+; and will have interior penciling by Mark Bagley and not Patrick Gleason.

Avengers: Marvels Snapshot #1  (Reg./Vars.: MAR200967 / MAR200968 / MAR200969, $4.99 ea.) will be written by Kurt Busiek, along with Barbara Randall Kesel.

Captain America #25  (Reg./Vars.: SEP200632 / SEP200633 / SEP200634 / SEP200635, $4.99 ea.) will be written by Michael Cho, along with Ta-Nehisi Coates; and will have interior art by Michael Cho, along with Leonard Kirk.

New Mutants by Ed Brisson TP Vol.  1 (AUG200746, $19.99) will be 208 pages and not 200 pages, as previously noted, with no change to editorial content or price.

Tony Stark: Iron Man by Dan Slott Omnibus HC (Reg./DM: SEP200715 / SEP200716, $100 ea.) now contains Tony Stark: Iron Man (2018) #1-#19, Iron Man 2020 (2020) #1-#6, and will run 576 pages, not 616 pages, with no price change.

Widowmakers: Red Guardian/Yelena Belova #1  (Reg./Vars.: FEB200833 / FEB200834 / FEB200835, SEP200639 / SEP200640, $4.99 ea.) will be rated T+, not T.

X-Force #14 (
Reg./Var.: SEP200546 / SEP200547, $3.99 ea.) will be rated Parental Advisory, not T+.

The Amazing Spider-Man #53.LR  (Reg./Vars.: SEP200620 / SEP200621 / SEP200623, $3.99 ea.) will be rated T, not T+.

Black Widow #4 Brown MCU Variant (OCT200597, $3.99) will have cover art by Patrick Brown and not Ryan Brown.

Miles Morales Spider-Man #21 Horton Spider-Man Miles Morales Variant (OCT200589, $3.99) will have cover art by Nick Schumacher.

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #6 Artist Variant (SEP200706, $3.99) will have cover art by Jen Bartel.

X of Swords: Destruction #1 Artist C Variant (SEP200563, $4.99) will have cover art by Dan Mora.

The Amazing Spider-Man #55 Schumacher Spider-Man: Miles Morales Variant (OCT200584, $3.99) will have cover art by Brian Horton.

Captain Marvel TP Vol.  4: Accused (SEP200734, $15.99) now contains Captain Marvel (2019) #18-#21 and Empyre (2020) #2, replacing Empyre (2020) #17, which was already in Volume 3.

Cable by Gerry Duggan TP Vol.  1 (AUG200744, $15.99) will be 128 pages and not 120 pages as previously reported, with no change to editorial content or price.

Hellions by Zeb Wells TP Vol.  1 (AUG200747, $15.99) will be 128 pages and not 120 pages as previously reported, with no change to editorial content or price.

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters TP Vol.  1: Galaxy’s Deadliest (AUG200752, $17.99) will be 120 pages and not 136 pages, with no change to editorial content or price.

The Amazing Spider-Man #49 Blank Variant (JUL200624, $9.99) was printed with the wrong cover stock and is being reprinted.

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