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Product Changes (10/06)



Walter Simonson’s The Mighty Thor Artisan Edition TP (SEP190744, $49.99) contains multiple misprints resulting in several cut-off pages. An example of the is shown here. Please note that the book will not be reprinted.

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The Amazing Spider-Man #51 LAST (Reg./Var.: AUG200645 / AUG200646, $3.99 ea.) will be 40 pages, not 32 pages, with no price change or editorial changes.

Strange Academy #4 Artist Variant (APR200963, $3.99) will have cover art by Valerio Schiti.

•  X of Swords: Stasis #1 Coipel Variant (AUG200634, $4.99) will have cover art by Jesus Saiz.
X of Swords: Stasis #1 Artist D Variant (AUG200635, $4.99) will have cover art by Humberto Ramos.

The Golden Age Captain America Omnibus HC Vol.  1 New Ptg. (Reg./DM: SEP200709 / SEP200710) will be $125 and not $100 with no change to page count or editorial content.

US Agent #1  (Reg./Vars.: SEP200626 / SEP200627 / SEP200628 / SEP200629, $3.99 ea.) will have interior penciling by Georges Jeanty and not Stefano Landini.

Strange Academy #6 Artist Variant (OCT200648, $3.99) will have cover art by Sara Pichelli.

The Amazing Spider-Man #55 Artist Variant LR (OCT200586, $3.99) will have cover art by Gabriele Dell’Otto.

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