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Product Changes (08/11)



Sonata TP Vol. 2: Citadel (MR) (JUN200177, $16.99) will now run 184 pages.

Tartarus TP Vol. 1 (JUL200072, $16.99) now runs 176 pages, not 160 pages.

On the Stump TP (AUG200070, $14.99) now runs 136 pages, not 120 pages.

Spawn #311 (Cvrs. A-C: AUG200368 / AUG200369 / AUG200370, $2.99 ea.) now has new contents:
“Cult of Omega” (Part 1 of 3)
Spawn raises some of the 'dead' as he storms a palace that has been hiding the secrets of a hidden society whose members can combine to become more powerful than any SPAWN throughout time!
Lead by their new king... the Omega Spawn!
Part 1 of 3
Todd McFarlane and Carlo Barberi launch an exciting and dangerous new chapter for Spawn!
Cover A (AUG200368) has been revised and is shown here.

Article Image bfab

Cover C (AUG200370) will have cover art by Carlo Barberi, not Gerardo Zaffino.


The Immortal Hulk #0 (JUL200662, $4.99) will have interior penciling by Mike Mignola, Adam Kubert and Mattia De Iulis.

Wolverine #5 Artist Variant (APR200903, $3.99) will have cover art by Viktor Bogdanovic.

Rise of Ultraman #1  (Reg./Vars.: JUL200626 / JUL200627 / JUL200628 / JUL200629 / JUL200630 / JUL200631 / JUL200632 / JUL200633 / JUL200634, $5.99 ea.) will be 56 pages, not 48 pages, with no change to editorial content or price.

Venom #28 (APR201004, $3.99) will have cover art by Geoff Shaw and not Ryan Stegman.

X-Men Marvels Snapshot #1  (Reg./Vars.: FEB200902 / FEB200903 / FEB200904, $4.99 ea.) will be written by Jay Edidin and not Kurt Busiek.

X of Swords: Creation #1 (JUL200583, $6.99) will have cover art byPepe Larraz and not Mark Brooks.

X of Swords: Creation #1 Launch Variant (JUL200586, $6.99) will have cover art by Russell Dauterman.

The Amazing Spider-Man #49  (Reg./Vars.: JUL200608 / JUL200609 / JUL200610 / JUL200611 / JUL200612 / JUL200613 / JUL200614 / JUL200615 / JUL200616 / JUL200617 / JUL200618 / JUL200619 / JUL200620 / JUL200621 / JUL200622 / JUL200623 / JUL200624 / JUL200625, $9.99 ea.) will have a Rating T and not Rating T+.

Strange Academy #3  (Reg./Vars.: MAR200939 / MAR200940 / MAR200941 / JUN208936 / JUL200665, $3.99) will have a Rating T+ and not Rating T.

Fantastic Four TP Vol.  5: Point of Origin (MAR201101) will have an SRP of $17.99 and not $19.99 with no change in editorial content.

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