Free Comic Book Day, the comic book industry’s largest annual promotional event, is traditionally scheduled to take place the first Saturday in May each year. However, the impact and spread of COVID-19 prevented the event from being celebrated at its normal time this year. Now, the beloved event has been rescheduled and reworked to take place throughout July and early September in order to accommodate social-distancing and store capacity regulations across the country, effectively making it Free Comic Book Summer!
Scheduled to take place between July 15 and September 9, comic shops will receive five to six Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) titles in their weekly shipments during each week of the promotional window. Release of these titles may vary from shop to shop, as retailers are encouraged to release the books as they see fit for their unique circumstances. Retailers may release one free title a day, may make all of that week’s free titles available at once, or any other plan that works for them. Free Comic Book Summer is designed to be flexible and customizable so retailers and fans can get the most out the event. Find a participating shop here!
Free Comics available this week on July 22nd!
(W) Donny Cates (A) Ryan Stegman
Marvel's Silver-level FCBD title provides two exciting tales connected to the coming major storylines in Venom, Amazing Spider-Man and Black Cat from top creators Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, Jed MacKay, Patrick Gleason and more!
Rating: Teen
In Shops: July 22, 2020
(W) Anne Toole (A/CA) Ann Maulina
An exclusive lead-in story to the brand-new
Horizon: Zero Dawn ongoing comic series! Discover a far-future Earth full of epic natural beauty, where awe-inspiring machines are the dominant species. Talanah, Sunhawk of the Hunters Lodge, struggles to find purpose after Aloy, her trusted friend, disappears. When a mysterious new threat emerges in the wilds, she returns to her roots as a hunter to defeat it, only to learn that a whole new breed of mechanized killers stalks the land!
Contact your local comic shop to find out how you can pick up your copy -
https://www.comicshoplocator.com/ Rating: Teen
In Shops: July 22, 2020
(W) Cullen Bunn (A/CA) Juan Doe
We all know the story of Noah's Ark. This is the story of the other ark, the one full of vampires and ghouls and manticore and the like. And on a ship filled with monsters, every decision - those driven by reason and those driven by instinct - can be the difference between life and death. An all-new story of the Dark Ark by Cullen Bunn and Juan Doe!
Rating: Teen
In Shops: July 22, 2020
Click to View

(W) Joshua Dysart, Tim Seeley (A) Various (CA) Graham Bartholomew (A/CA) Doug Braithwaite
Exploding out of the blockbuster Bloodshot movie starring international action powerhouse Vin Diesel, comes the hottest universe in comics! Follow the nanite-enhanced commando into battle with an all-new adrenaline-charged Bloodshot story from NYT bestselling writer Tim Seeley (Grayson). Then, it's a timeless tale from the life of X-O Manowar from Eisner Award-nominated writer, Joshua Dysart (Harbinger) and superstar artist Doug Braithwaite (Armor Hunters) in "The Unimaginable." Get all this, and more, as Valiant celebrates 30 years of comics greatness right here in the Valiant 2020: The Year of Heroes FCBD Special!
Rating: All-Ages
In Shops: July 22, 2020
Click to View

Also you can get this cool piece of Free Comic Book Day limited edition gear this week!
Comics warm the heart -and now the spirit of FCBD can warm your head! You'll look stylish on visits to your local comic book shop in this FCBD knit beanie. Available in royal blue. 12-inch, 100% acrylic.
In Shops: Jul 22, 2020
SRP: $16.99
Click here to see the rest of the Free Comics you can get during Free Comic Book Summer!