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Funko's Next PREVIEWS Exclusive Pop Recreates a Classic Spider-Man/Venom Moment

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An epic Marvel Comics battle is recreated in the equally epic Funko Pop! Style with this PREVIEWS Exclusive Pop! Comic Moment Spider-Man Vs. Venom!

Featuring a special rocky diorama base and two full-sized Pop figures sculpted as part of the scene, this Pop! Comic moment comes packaged in a collector-friendly window box, perfect for display in your Marvel Collection!

The PREVIEWS Exclusive Pop Comic Moment Marvel Spider-Man Vs Venom Figure (SEP198702, SRP: $34.99) is available to preorder now at your local comic shop. Spider-Man and Venom are currently scheduled to rumble into comic shops April 29, 2020. 

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For every six PREVIEWS Exclusive Pop Comic Moment Marvel Spider-Man Vs Venom Figures ordered through March 16, 2020, comic shops will receive a PREVIEWS Exclusive Venom #25 variant. Please check with your comic shop retailer about the availability of this limited variant cover.

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