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Meet Mysterio: Essential Stories For The "Spider-Man: Far From Home" Villain

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The trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home has been released and the Marvel Cinematic Universe has officially been introduced to Mysterio! 

But, who exactly is this fishbowl-wearing villain? 

Spider-Man: Far From Home and actor Jake Gyllenhaal are sure to put their own spin on the classic Spidey villain, but before the movie drops July 5, be sure to get brushed up Mysterio!  

Take a look at some of the most essential stories featuring Mysterio and head to your local comic shop to pick up these books. 

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THE MENACE OF MYSTERIO (Amazing Spider-Man #13) 

The first appearance of Mysterio!

In the villain's first appearance ever, he pays a visit to J. Jonah Jameson, challanges Spider-Man to a fight, defeats Spider-Man, reveals his true identity to Spider-Man, is recorded revealing his identity and is then ultimately turned over to the police. You know... all in a day's work for one of the greatest Spidey villains of all-time. 

Amazing Spider-Man #13 is written and drawn by the legendary team of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. The story is found in the Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Omnibus (NOV188852).

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THE SINISTER SIX (Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1) 

The debut of one of the greatest villain team-ups in comics! 

The Sinister Six made their first apperance in the first-ever annual of Amazing Spider-Man. Kidnapping Aunt May and Betty Bryant, the team splits up across New York City and forces Spidey to fight each one at a different location. Mystero attacks Spider-Man with a series of robots based on the X-Men. Yes, you read that right. 

The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 also features a pin-up of Mysterio and other Spider-Man foes. The annual is written and drawn by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. It is re-printed in the Spider-Man: Sinister Six (APR090575hardcover. 

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THE MADNESS OF MYSTERIO (Amazing Spider-Man #66) 

Mysterio has escaped from prison! 

After managing to escape from prison, Mysterio challenges Spider-Man to another fight, where he manages to shrink Spidey down to, well, a spider. How did he pull that off!?!?! 

Amazing Spider-Man #66 consists of art from John Romita Jr. and a script by Stan Lee. The story is re-printed in the Marvel Masterworks Trade Paperback Volume 7 (MAR120642).

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GUARDIAN DEVIL (Daredevil #1-#8) 

The blockbuster team of filmmaker Kevin Smith and future Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada put the famous Spider-Man villain into Hell's Kitchen to face off with Daredevil. 

Mysterio appers in Daredevil #6 as this gritty story features Daredevil dealing with dark secrets of his former girlfriend, business partner and more. How does Mysterio throw a wrench in Matt Murdock's plans? 

The story is collected in the Guardian Devil (JAN100682trade paperback. 

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MYSTERIOSO (Amazing Spider-Man #618-620) 

Mysterio is back from the dead! 

Spider-Man faces the gauntlet of his most deadly villains, including none other than a recently risen Mysterio. How long can Mysterio play with Spidey's head before the web-slinger finally snaps? 

The story arc is found in the Spider-Man The Gauntlet Trade Paperback (JUL100710). 

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