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Conan The Barbarian #1 and #2 To Return For Second Printings

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Know, oh prince, that in the year 2019, the first two issues of CONAN THE BARBARIAN have gone back to print with CONAN THE BARBARIAN #2 selling out at Diamond before hitting stores! The world has spoken, and acclaim for the sword-slashing hero’s return to Marvel is triumphant!

With Mahmud Asrar’s tantalizing art, Matthew Wilson’s sensational colors, and Esad Ribić’s stunning covers, and the start of Jason Aaron’s epic tale, CONAN THE BARBARIAN is a debut you will not want to miss. Newsarama calls the book “the best of both worlds - not only is it a solidly entertaining introduction of the Cimmerian to a whole new audience of readers, but a reverent adaptation that acknowledges the wealth of material that came before it” – and praise is high for the barbarian hero!  

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