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Funko Pop! Pez Dispensers Coming to Comic Shops

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Funko and the iconic candy company are teaming up to bring you a new line of Pez dispensers featuring the Pop! design to your local comic shop.

Featuring some of your favorite brands, check out the details below and stay tuned for pre-order information. 

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Pop! PEZ: Batman 1966 TV Series

It’s the candy you want and inspired by the Batman 1966 TV Series, DC Super Heroes you love and the DC Super-Villain you love to hate. Get your sugar fix with Batman, Robin or The Joker PEZ dispensers and revel in the pop culture amazingness of Pop!, PEZ and DC together at last. The Batman PEZ dispenser includes a Chase with a pink cowl.
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Pop! PEZ: Bob Ross 
Painter Bob Ross, host of The Joy of Painting is taking a break from delivering happy little trees to instead provide delicious candy as a PEZ dispenser. Pop! PEZ Bob Ross doesn’t have hands so you’ll just have to imagine him holding a palette filled with color.
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Pop! PEZ: Quaker Oats

Cereal mascots and candy, together at last! Iconic Quaker mascots and the equally iconic PEZ brand have teamed up, and it’s safe to say neither candy nor collectibles will ever be the same. No series would be complete without Cap’n Horatio Magellan Crunch, who also comes with a black and white Chase with a one-in-six rarity. The Cap’n’s polka dotted friend, the Crunchberry Beast is ready to dish delicious candy out of the top of his head. The Cap’n’s chief nemesis, Jean LaFoote is just here to steal cereal, and possibly candy. Quake, mascot of “the power cereal from inner space” and Quisp, the pink alien representing the cereal from outer space bring a certain interstellar charm to the series.

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Pop! Pez: Mega Man

Mega Man, also known as the Blue Bomber, is taking a break from protecting the world to instead bring sweetness and joy to all as a Pop! Pez dispenser. A red “Magnet Missile” Mega Man dispenser offers some color variation from his iconic blue armor.

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Pop! PEZ: Disney: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Pay a visit to Halloween Town with Disney The Nightmare Before Christmas-themed Pop! PEZ dispensers! Jack Skellington’s bare skull makes for an appropriately creepy candy dispenser. Fortunately, the Sally Pez doesn’t taste anything like deadly nightshade. Vampire Scary Teddy might drink blood, but pop back his head for a sweet bite just the same. The glow-in-the-dark Oogie Boogie Pez should be easy to locate in the dark for a late-night snack. Pop back the head of the Pumpkin King, if you dare, for a sweet bite.

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Pop! PEZ: Star Wars 

Take a journey to a galaxy far, far away with the latest Pop! PEZ Star Wars series featuring Bossk and Greedo. The bounty hunters are taking a break from bringing in the Empire’s most wanted to provide a much-needed sugar rush to fans of Funko, Star Wars, and PEZ.

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Pop! Pez: Sonic

The fastest hedgehog in the world is taking a break from thwarting Doctor Eggman’s world domination plans to deliver a much-needed sugar rush. Dispensing candy might seem like an unusual career path for an anthropomorphic hedgehog but there’s nothing Sonic can’t accomplish when he puts his mind to it, whether that’s collecting gold coins, rescuing cute bunnies from his nemesis or joining the esteemed ranks of famous PEZ mascots.

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Pop! PEZ: Crash Bandicoot

Take a break from exploring the Wumpa Islands and collecting Wumpa Fruit and Aku Aku masks to enjoy some PEZ. More specifically, PEZ dispended from Crash Bandicoot’s head. Crash might have been genetically modified by Doctor Neo Cortex but that shouldn’t impact the flavor of the candy whatsoever

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