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Marvel Battle Lines Variant Covers

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This past weekend at San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel Games debuted an exclusive trailer, all-new art, and action-packed gameplay from Marvel Battle Lines – the collectible card battling mobile game created by Nexon. And this October, Marvel Comics is celebrating the game’s much-anticipated launch with a series of variant covers showcasing over two dozen in-game cards featuring striking images of some of the most popular Marvel Super Heroes!

Look for MARVEL Battle Lines variant covers on these select titles:

  1. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #7 by Sujin Jo
  2. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #8 by Yoon Lee
  3. ASTONISHING X-MEN #16 by Yoon Lee
  4. AVENGERS #9 by Jong-Ju Kim
  5. BLACK PANTHER #5 by Maxx Lim
  6. CAPTAIN AMERICA #4 by Maxx Lim
  7. CHAMPIONS #25 by Jong-Ju Kim
  8. COSMIC GHOST RIDER #4 by Maxx Lim
  9. DAREDEVIL #609 by Jong-Ju Kim
  10. DEADPOOL #5 by Sujin Jo
  11. DOCTOR STRANGE #6 by Keunwoo Lee
  12. FANTASTIC FOUR #3 by Jong-Ju Kim
  13. IMMORTAL HULK #7 by Maxx Lim
  14. INFINITY WARS #4 by Sujin Jo
  16. SENTRY #5 by Heejin Jeon
  17. SPIDER-GWEN A.K.A. GHOST SPIDER #1 by Sujin Jo
  18. SUPERIOR OCTOPUS #1 by Yoon Lee
  19. THOR #6 by Sujin Jo
  20. TONY STARK: IRON MAN #5 by Jong-Ju Kim
  21. TONY STARK: IRON MAN #6 by Jong-Ju Kim
  22. TYPHOID FEVER: SPIDER-MAN #1 by Heejin Jeon
  23. VENOM #7 by Sujin Jo
  24. WEAPON H #8 by Sujin Jo
  25. WEAPON H #9 by  Maxx Lim
  26. WEST COAST AVENGERS #3 by Sujin Jo
  27. X-23 #5 by Yoon Lee
  28. X-MEN RED #9 by Maxx Lim 
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