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Bring On The Bad Guys: Ursus, Venom, & Scarecrow

Egads! Another molotov cocktail that's served as a kids drink. Say it isn't so! Say we don't have to suffer the bad guys again! Yes, sad for all of those within hearing range... you will submit!  Your lethal injection of mean is back with this month’s rendition of “Bring on the Bad Guys,” and once again we show that we don’t discriminate because of race, sex, color, or creed. If you’re rotten, you qualify. And there are many ways to qualify. It might be that you enjoy kicking cats. It might be that you eat people. Or...maybe it’s because you’re one of Satan’s soldiers. In any event, we flip through the PREVIEWS catalog each month to see who needs to be called out as a deviant, and then we explain why these people … or things … or whatever they are … shouldn’t be helped if you see them bleeding in the middle of the street.

Let us begin.

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Planet of the Apes: Ursus #1

Who shocked the monkey, you ask? It would be writer David Walker and artist David Walker, the creative team that gives us Planet of the Apes: Ursus #1 (NOV171299) from BOOM! Studios. No more monkeys are jumping on the bed after you read this limited series about the franchise's most notorious villain! Urus is the mad military muscle wing of the gorillas who said so famously back in the 70s Apes movies that the only good human was a dead human. This series peeks into the mind of the simian warmonger so that you can see why he's so gung-ho about wiping out homo sapiens. Get a glimpse at his rise through the ranks to General, and see what experiences brought him to the Forbidden Zone in this series that you'll find in the Comics and Graphic Novels section of the November PREVIEWS catalog!

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Darkseid By Chris Burnham T-Shirt

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Which is why it's so easy to point out that Darkseid is stark raving mad. Created by legendary writer-artist Jack Kirby, Darkseid's ultimate goal is to conquer the universe and eliminate all free will. So, yeah, to say the God of Evil is nothing short of the textbook definition for "megalomaniac" is an understatement. If ever there was an example of what a plague would look like standing on two legs, Darkseid would take first prize, and walk away with a carnival balloon of his choice. And that's what makes him so freakin' cool. He's the poster child for how to be bad, and be the best at it! Wear the Darkseid By Chris Burnham T-Shirt (NOV172288), and let posers everywhere know that to trifle with your patience means taking a trip to the bottom of a lake. Look for it in the Apparel section of the November PREVIEWS catalog!

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Marvel Venom PVC Figurine

Venomverse mania is invading comic shops everywhere. And is it any wonder? The Venom movie starring Tom Hardy is scheduled to hit theaters in 2018. And the latest new trick that Marvel's been rolling out is what Marvel heroes would look like if they were "venomized." It seems no one can get enough of the tongue-wagging devil (who may be in a court battle with Gene Simmons one day to determine who has the longer tongue between them). So why don't you get in front of the hungry crowd and pick up the Marvel Venom PVC Figurine (JUL178465) today before holiday shopping season is officially underway? Be good to yourself and pick this up before you have to start your last-minute holiday shopping for everyone else! Look for this figurine in the Statues/Models section of the November PREVIEWS catalog!

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Kylo Ren Electronic Voice Changer Mask

Imagine what it must be like today to be a toy collector that was a kid in the late 70s. There was this cool sci-fi movie that came out at the end of the decade, it was called Star Wars, and with it came a whole bunch of cool toys that you could buy at the store. They made toys of the ships, the characters, it was a really big deal. Now look at the demand for those original Star Wars toys. You could mortgage a house if you own the original Kenner figures! Get the drift? Yeah. Star Wars toys and merchandise will always be in demand, so if you're looking for one that'll stand the test of time for this generation, what better toy is there than one that simulates the voice of the Episode VII's main villain, Kylo Ren? This Star Wars: The Last Jedi Kylo Ren Electronic Voice Changer Mask (JUL178886) features movie-inspired design and adjustable straps to fit most head sizes, too. Check it out in the Toys/Statues/Models section of the November PREVIEWS catalog!

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Batman Begins: Scarecrow MAF EX Figure

The doctor is in. But he's in your head. And all you can really do is pray for a stroke, because that's preferable over the nightmares he's about to put you in now that you've breathed in his magic mind dust. See, when the Batman Begins: Scarecrow MAF Ex Figure (JUL178415) is left to his own devices, he basically tears apart your head so that he's then free to pick your pockets, liquidate your back accounts, take whatever strikes his fancy, and move onto the next unsuspecting prospect that might put up more of a fight that can last past half a minute. Don't believe us? See how well he did enslaving a city in Batman Begins. He's quite good at turning people into sniveling, cowering wrecks. So if you have unwanted house guests this holiday season, pick up this 6" tall fully posable figure that comes with extra interchangeable hands, a masked and an unmasked head, and removed cowl. Eviction was never easier. You'll find him in the Import Toys/Statues/Models section of the November PREVIEWS catalog!


And once again we've done our job for the month, showing you our list of irredeemables! Go out and pick up a copy of the November PREVIEWS, and let us know your favorite villains, and who YOU want to pit against each other in a fight to the death. Hit us up on Facebook or Twitter, and let us know about your favorite bad guys.

See you next time, fiends!

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