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Joe Pruett Not Shocked After Success

While jumping between meetings, lines, and phone calls, Joe Pruett is managing to keep his head above the water as Publisher of AfterShock Comics. The company is his baby, and the laundry list of things he wants to do is long. It’s life via monthly white boxes on a yearly calendar that has him think not in days, but in print runs.

As he made his way through the crowds this year at Baltimore Comic Con, Joe swung by the PREVIEWSworld booth to check in on his friends, and give us first-hand news about what would be coming off the assembly line for AfterShock books in 2018.

“It’ll be two years in December, when we started publishing our first line. Almost our two year anniversary,” he said. December, he noted, was already a high water mark for the company as Donny Cates and Garry Brown’s Babyteeth TP (OCT171087) hit the street, collecting all five issues for the new hit series. “Babyteeth has been a phenomenal success for us,” Pruett pointed out. “It took off! It was the right time for us. I’m confident the trade will be just as much a success as the series.”

Joe was clear during the interview to note that the people running the show at AfterShock Comics are not new kids on the blocks in any way, shape, or form. The people showing up to work every day were pros. Seasoned personnel. The quality of the books and the timeliness of their shipping was testament to that fact. “We’re a career company,” he added. “We want people to come in and do their best work...and their craziest work.”

To hear more about what Joe Pruett is pushing across the counter at your local comic shop, check out the above PREVIEWSworld video for details on their monthly titles and upcoming projects!


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Babyteeth Volume 1 TP (OCT171087)
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Monstro Mechanica #1 (OCT171088)

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