Thunderstruck By War From Thor(s)
Jun 22, 2017
by Vince Brusio
How loud is the thunder like when two different weather fronts collide overhead? Do you jump, or run for cover? Or do you instead get to your local comic shop because you know that the thunder overhead signals the release of Generations: Unworthy Thor & Mighty Thor #1 (JUN170842) from Marvel Comics? Writer Jason Aaron explains in this PREVIEWSworld Exclusive interview that along with artist Mahmud Asrar, he takes great pleasure in amplifying thunder claps as two Thors dig in for a fight that involves none other than Apocalypse!
Generations: Unworthy Thor & Mighty Thor #1 (JUN170842) is in comic shops August 23.
Vince Brusio: Jason! With a storyline this big there couldn't be any time for fine food and theater. You existed on carry-out, right? So tell us, what provided the muse for Generations: Unworthy Thor & Mighty Thor #1 (JUN170842)? How did you wrap your head around the scope of your project given that it's interconnected with the future of the Marvel Universe?
Jason Aaron: Well I've been charting the future of Thor for a while now, and this is the next big chapter of that story. It’s where two very different versions of the character meet for the first time, in an adventure that will change them both in important ways.
Vince Brusio: We have the potential for serious sibling rivalry in this book. Or things could go in the opposite direction, like a Leia-finds-out-Luke-is-her-brother scenario played out to a John Williams soundtrack. What characteristics did you consider for each Thors that helped you come to your decision about how the chemistry between them either mixed, or exploded?
Jason Aaron: These are two Thors with very different world views. So no, they don't initially see eye-to-eye. But ultimately they both want the same thing. They both fight to be worthy. And to protect the people of Midgard (that's us).
Vince Brusio: You have to create a story where two gods collide, and the shockwaves barely have time to reverberate because both Thors have to face Apocalypse. What kind of camera eye did you want to use to show this kind of drama? What perspectives did you use to capture the energy? The pain? The desperate hope for closure?
Jason Aaron: The perspectives and camera angles were all the work of the amazing artist Mahmud Asrar, who I was lucky enough to work with on this story. Mahmud gives these pages a sweeping, epic grandeur, as he takes us from the golden spires of Asgard to the pyramids of Egypt.
Vince Brusio: Let's look at this storyline as a reality TV program. Its Humpty Dumpty getting put back together again, but there's new drama to make things complicated because new characters are being paired with their predecessor! It's like a high school love affair coming together full circle, but a future spouse gets added to the mix. What ingredients do you bake into the pie to build up critical mass so that your story's conclusion breaks through the sound barrier?
Jason Aaron: I love Thor. In all different forms. As should be obvious from my run to this point, as I've used countless different versions of the character. But these two are probably my favorites. So it's a joy to write them together. And I'm not done with these characters just yet. My entire run on Thor continues to build and build toward what I hope will someday be an epic conclusion. This story is the next big marker along that roadway. Hope you like it.
*To learn more about what’s in store for Marvel’s Generations one-shots, read our previous creator interviews with the books’ writers!
Two Wolverines: A Cut Above The Rest
The Fury and Fallout From Phoenix Times Two
How Heavy Are the Hearts of Hulks?
Vince Brusio writes about comics, and writes comics. He is the long-serving Editor of, the creator of PUSSYCATS, and encourages everyone to keep the faith...and keep reading comics.