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Indie Edge: David F. Walker

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Please tell us a bit about yourself!

I’ve been reading comics ever since I was a little kid, and I probably spent way too much time watching movies and television. I was, and continue to be, a total Planet of the Apes nerd. I wrote and drew my own POTA stories when I was a kid, but sadly all that stuff is lost. I had wanted to work in comics, as an artist and writer, but I gave up in my early twenties, and ended up in journalism. In 2001, I interviewed Will Eisner for the newspaper where I worked as an editor and staff writer. He was impressed with my knowledge of comics, and when I told him that I always wanted to work in the industry, he told me to chase after my dreams. I decided to take his advice…

What are your favorite projects you’ve contributed to over the past decade?

I have a fondness for everything I’ve worked on, but there is a special place in my heart for The Army of Dr. Moreau, a creator-owned title I wrote a few years back. It is a project inspired by all the things I loved as a kid. I also really love the Shaft books I did for Dynamite — Shaft: A Complicated Man, Shaft: Imitation of Life, and Shaft’s Revenge. Those represent my writing at its purest, and working with that character was a dream come true!

What are you currently working on?

I’m writing Luke Cage and Occupy Avengers for Marvel, War for the Planet of the Apes for BOOM!, and I’m co-writing Superb for Lion Forge. There are a few other projects I can’t talk about yet, including two creator-owned titles.

What fun titles are you reading?

Amelia Cole (Omnibus/MAR170563) from IDW is a great series — I’ve been reading it since it started. I just read the most recent volume of Brahm Revel’s Guerillas (Vol. 1/JUL101090) from Oni Press, which is a brilliant, underrated series. Dark Horse’s Concrete Park (Vol. 1 HC/JUN140040) by Tony Puryear and Erika Alexander is incredible.


Pick up these books to learn more about Joe Casey’s Indie Edge style!

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