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Indie Edge: Sarah Graley

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Please tell us a bit about yourself!

I'm a comic writer and artist living in the UK! I make an autobiographical comic about my relationship and four cats titled 'Our Super Adventure' which is kind of cutesy, and that's been going for around five years now! Outside of that I enjoy working on stories that are pretty fantastical and where somebody usually gets punched across a page...which is maybe less cutesy, although I think I could draw a pretty adorable fight scene.

What are your favorite projects you’ve contributed to over the past decade?

Working on Rick & Morty: Lil' Poopy Superstar (Vol. 1—OCT161708) was a total blast! I'm a big fan of the show so working on the series felt really unreal and pretty awesome. The mini-series focused on the characters Summer and Mr. Poopybutthole, so googling one of those for reference pictures was a little scary at times, but getting to work with these characters was a really fun experience!

What are you currently working on?

KIM REAPER! All caps because I am so stoked about it. Kim Reaper is my new comic series that focuses on the story of a part time grim reaper (Kim!) and her classmate who has a total crush on her, but also has no idea she's a grim reaper (Becka!). It's a supernatural queer adventure and I am excited for everybody to read it!!

What fun titles are you reading?

I've been picking up the main Rick and Morty comic series — Kyle Starks writes hilarious, yet also sinister, storylines that hit all the right notes for me. Jonesy and Backstagers are also on my comics pull-list — when my copies arrive I drop what I'm doing because I've gotta know what those guys are up to!


Pick up these books to learn more about Sarah Graley’s Indie Edge style!

  • Rick & Morty: Lil' Poopy Superstar Vol. 1 TP (OCT161708)
  • Kim Reaper #1 (FEB171811)
  • “Our Super Adventure” Web Comic (
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