How to Draw Month: Kyle Starks
Dec 30, 2016
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For How to Draw month, PREVIEWSworld talks with artist Kyle Starks! Kyle is an Eisner Award nominated writer and artist for his graphic novel Sexcastle (JAN150621) and is currently writing Rick and Morty for Oni Press including a special one-shot featuring his artwork (SEP161834).
**********PREVIEWSworld: Who were your favorite artists growing up?
Kyle Starks: I am pretty sure growing up I had questionable taste. I was a huge John Byrne and Image founders fan but I don't think you could tell by looking at my stuff. But I also loved Scott McLoud's Zot. Sergio Aragones Groo. As an adult my biggest influences, for sure, are Kirby, Urasawa and the Norwegian cartoonist Jason.
PREVIEWSworld: Were you self-taught, formally educated, or a combination of both?
Kyle Starks: A combination of both – I was a Fine Art major in college but I'd say most of my sequential art knowledge or skill was mostly self taught. But you learn a ton in art school – how to stop, tough skin, patience and hopefully an eye for what's right/wrong. My current style has almost nothing in common with my college work though – that style was cultivated over the last 6-7 years.
PREVIEWSworld: Talk about your studio environment. Do you watch or listen to anything while you draw?
Kyle Starks: My studio environment is, literally, my kitchen table. I used to listen to podcasts or watch shows but they became background noise and I thought it was a disservice to the creators of those endeavors. When I write I listen to music without words, when I'm drawing I'll put on a tv show, usually not something good enough to warrant my full attention.
PREVIEWSworld: What tools do you prefer while drawing? Pencils, pens, art boards, etc.?
Kyle Starks: For comics I work entirely digitally. When I do commissions I use a crappy traveling watercolor set, and some zebra pens. I'm not very fancy.
PREVIEWSworld: Are there any books you would recommend to help with art?
Kyle Starks: I think the only two comics books I ever read that I can even remember are Comics the Marvel Way and Will Eisner's Comics and Sequential Art and while I'm sure they had some good points I don't think they're anything crucial. I don't think books are the secret to getting good – though for sure there's some good theory in there. I think looking at how things are put together and putting the hours in is the way to go.
PREVIEWSworld: Do you prefer drawing by hand, digitally, or both?
Kyle Starks: I prefer digitally just because of the speed it allows me to work at. It's easier to fix any mistakes that way but also allows me to be more gestural and energetic. Also no pencil lines to erase!
PREVIEWSworld: How long does it normally take to draw a page?
Kyle Starks: I am not your norm at all. I can do an average page in a couple hours.
PREVIEWSworld: What’s your favorite thing to draw?
Kyle Starks: My favorite thing to draw, for sure, is action scenes. I love a good action scene.
PREVIEWSworld: What's the most unique thing you've been asked to draw at a convention?
Kyle Starks: Because it is what is immediately coming to mind, I'm going to say someone asked for a “Space Centaur” with zero input - just to do whatever I thought that would be - which was fun. I also did a Villains of Coen Brothers Movie sketchbook that was really fun and original (I did Jon Goodman from O Brother).
PREVIEWSworld: Finally, what’s the best advice you have for beginning artists?
Kyle Starks: I think the best is – and I'm sure I'm not the only one who says this – is draw a lot. And if you want to be a comic artist draw a lot of pages. Storytelling and clarity are the two most important parts of being a good comic artist, they're step one. Draw all the time.