Bring On The Bad Guys: Scarface, Daleks, & Loki
Sep 15, 2016
Egads! Another molotov cocktail that's served as a kids drink. Say it isn't so! Say we don't have to suffer the bad guys again! Yes, sad for all of those within hearing range... you will submit! Your lethal injection of mean is back with this month’s rendition of “Bring on the Bad Guys,” and once again we show that we don’t discriminate because of race, sex, color, or creed. If you’re rotten, you qualify. And there are many ways to qualify. It might be that you enjoy kicking cats. It might be that you eat people. Or...maybe it’s because you’re one of Satan’s soldiers. In any event, we flip through the PREVIEWS catalog each month to see who needs to be called out as a deviant, and then we explain why these people … or things … or whatever they are … shouldn’t be helped if you see them bleeding in the middle of the street.
Let us begin.
Star Wars Darth Vader PX Charcoal Heather T-Shirt
He is the Dark Lord of the Sith. You will submit. Bend at the knee. Live by his command. And not hestitate to get the Star Wars Darth Vader PX Charcoal Heather T-Shirt (SEP162310)! Old school comic book fans will appreciate this one. Al Williamson's artwork that graced The Empire Strikes Back stories. Classic apparel that goes with any flavor of Comicon. Show your allegiance to the Jedi Knight gone bad with this black T-shirt you'll find in the Apparel section of the September PREVIEWS catalog!
Doctor Who Dalek Tights
Wanna look cute one moment, and impersonate a robotic killing machine the next? Death will become you, darling, if Daleks display themselves on your long legs and thighs. Next you consider dancing around the room, twirling and whirling, while rays of ruin shoot from your fingertips and lay waste to anyone else in the room. Sing joy, sing "exterminate," and destroy indiscriminately in these Doctor Who Dalek Tights (MAY168100) you'll find in the Apparel section of the September PREVIEWS catalog!
Marvel Lady Loki Bishoujo Statue
The sexy side of the trickster has been realized with the Marvel Lady Loki Bishoujo Statue (SEP162765) based on a new character interpretation and illustration by Shunya Yamashita! Gender-bending takes on deadly connotations when Thor's brother sports smoother skin and curves. Who's to say what version of Loki is the most cunning? It's a question you can ponder while looking at this long-legged lass who's never quick to tell the truth, or let you speak to her without first paying cover charge. Look for this collectible in the Statues section of the September PREVIEWS!
Cthulhu Lava Effect Hourglass
Red liquid contents slowly count down to a dark awakening. It is the end time. The day when the heavens shake. The day we are forsaken. The loathsome elder god is about to enter your world, and render you a helpless pawn now and forever. Gaze into the crimson allure of the Cthulhu Lava Effect Hourglass (SEP163034), and become one of the nameless forsaken that bow to ol' tentacle face for eternity. Why fight the inevitable doom that awaits us all? Look for this dark and foreboding monument to malice in the Collectibles and Novelties section of the September PREVIEWS catalog!
Scarface Say Hello Glass Poster
Actor Al Pacino's performance as a Latino gangster is now forever immortalized on the Scarface Say Hello Glass Poster (SEP163042), a freeze-frame that captures his trademark swagger with a timeless image straight from the film's tragic end. Pacino is squeezing away on his automatic assault rifle, exclaiming "Say hello to my little friend!" while members of a drug cartell raid his house to finish him and his family off with rapid fire, and overwhelming numbers. A bad guy to rival all other bad guys, Scarface can now be yours with this poster that screams 100% Tony Montana for those who don't already fear his name. Look for it in the Collectibles and Novelties section of the September PREVIEWS catalog!
And once again we've done our job for the month, showing you our list of irredeemables! Go out and pick up a copy of the September PREVIEWS, and let us know your favorite villains, and who YOU want to put against each other in a fight to the death. Hit us up on Facebook or Twitter, and let us know about your favorite bad guys.
See you next time, fiends!