Scottie Watson Takes Over Stargate Atlantis
Nov 23, 2016
He's a huge fan of the show, so when he got the opportunity to render artwork for Stargate Atlantis: Gateways #1 (AUG161131) from American Mythology Productions, artist Scottie Watson jumped at the chance to carry the SGA banner.
Here what Scottie had to say about working on the project.
Stargate Atlantis: Gateways #1 (AUG161131) is in comic shops November 30.
Scottie Watson: I'm a huge Stargate Atlantis fan. I'm also a fan of Greg LaRocque, Mark Haynes, and J.C. Vaughn, so when I heard they were working on a new SGA comic, I was super excited. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I'd not only be taking ove the reins of a legendary artist, but on a series based on one of my all-time favortie TV shows written by two writers whose work I love and respect.
When American Mythology approached me about working on the series, part of me was terrified, while part of me was as excited as a kid in the candy store.
Greg leaves big shoes to fill because he's amazing, and SGA fans are extremely passionate. It was a challenge I was ready to take on because I'm one of those passionate fans, and I feel my passion for SGA comes through in each and every panel.
Thanks, Greg, I hope to carry the SGA banner with as much love and care as you gave it.