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Adam Hughes Gets Betty & Veronica

by Vince Brusio

This July, Archie Comics unveils the next title in their all-new modern Archie Comics family of titles, Betty & Veronica #1 (MAY161104).  And guiding the comic book BFF’s through their day-to-day adventures is none other than fan favorite artist, Adam Hughes, who took time out of his busy schedule to talk about his work on the new series.

Betty & Veronica #1 (MAY161104) is in comic shops July 20.


Article Image 0582PREVIEWS: What made you sign onto the creative chores for Betty and Veronica?

Adam Hughes: Archie Comics inquired if I wanted to be involved with the new Betty and Veronica, and I asked if I could write and draw the book.

After they got up off the floor, they agreed!

PREVIEWS: Has it been in the bucket list of things to do, or was there some other circumstance that made this gig happen?

Adam Hughes: I was tired of waiting for the First Sign of the Apocalypse, so I thought “Adam Hughes doing Betty and Veronica” might jump-start things!

PREVIEWS: You’re behind the wheel for a comic book title that has resonated in the minds of fans for decades. If you could speculate on what makes Betty and Veronica such timeless characters in the comics community, what would you offer from an insider’s point of view?

Adam Hughes: I’m not an insider — I’m a fox in the hen-house! Betty and Veronica are timeless because they’re unchanging and always there for you. It’s like going home every time you check in with them. As it should be.

PREVIEWS: When you sat down to brainstorm on what should be the opening storylines for this book, what variables did you consider? Did you want to pay homage to the past? Or did you want to bypass the yellow brick road, and try a new highway?

Adam Hughes: All I care about on Betty and Veronica is making people have some kind of emotional response. Mostly laughing, maybe one or two tears. Whatever I need to do to pull that response from the readers — nostalgia, uncharted territory, WHATEVER — I’ll use it! LAUGH, DAMN YOU, LAUGH!!!

PREVIEWS: How did you get in the heads of Betty and Veronica to hear their respective voices? What influenced your take on their diction? How did you approach their sometimes love/hate relationship?

Adam Hughes: I get into Betty’s head by blindly trying to see the best in people, no matter what. I get inside Ronnie’s head by wondering what they’re really up to, the sly devils! As for their diction? I don’t speak like teenagers, even when I was one. I’m trying to have them speak in a way that’s universal and feels correct for them, but won’t seem dated in 10 years. I approach their relationship this way: to me, Betty would never admit to hating anyone; she just can’t. Veronica would find it hard to tell someone that she loves them — she’d show it, but the words would catch in her throat. I think that’s the basis for a really interesting relationship. Also: shopping.

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