Product Changes (03/03)
Mar 03, 2015
• Marvel Comics’ FCBD 2015 All New All Different Avengers (JAN150036) will be Rated T+.
• The Flash #40 (Reg./Var.: JAN150265 / JAN150266), solicited as 32 pages at $2.99 will now run 40 pages at $3.99.
• Image has added a new cover to Liberty Comics Presents Elephantmen Shots #1 (MR). The issue solicited in the March PREVIEWS has been renamed J. Scott Campbell Cover A (MAR150521, $5.99). The new Cover Bby Tim Sale & Boo Cook can be ordered under item code DEC148705.
• Deadpool #45 (250th Issue) (Reg./Vars.: FEB150830 / FEB150831 / FEB150832 / FEB150833, $9.99 ea.) will have interior art by Jacob Chabot, Ty Templeton, Juvann Kirby, Natalie Nourigat, and various other artists, in addition to Mike Hawthrone and Scott Koblish. It will be written by Scott Aukerman in addition to various other writers. Additionally, the issue’s WTD Variant (FEB150834) will have cover art by Dan Green.
• Guardians 3000 #7 (FEB150749, $3.99) will have interior art and cover art by an artist to be announced, not by Gerardo Sandoval.
• Silk #4 (MAR150704, $3.99) will have interior art by Annapaola Martello, not Stacey Lee.
• Captain Marvel TP Vol. 2: Stay Fly (JAN150902) will be 120 pages, not 112 pages. The price will remain $15.99.
• Guardians Team-Up #2 (Reg./Var.: DEC140819 / DEC148399, $3.99 ea.) will have interior art by Stephane Roux and Jay Leisten.
• Adhouse Publishing’s The Oven (FEB150903, $12.95) was erroneously solicited as a hardcover. The book will, in fact, be published in softcover. The solicited price is the correct price for the softcover.
• Antarctic Press’ Steambusters #1 (JAN150980, $3.99), originally solicited as a one-shot, is now the first issue of a two-issue miniseries.
• BOOM! Studios’ Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #1 (JAN151140, $3.99) will now ship with two covers: one by David Peterson (90%) and a Wraparound by Eric Muller (10%).
• Courier Publishing has released the final cover art for Strip for Murder TP (MAR151737, $9.95), shown here.
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