Product Changes (04/08)
Apr 08, 2014
• The Amazing Spider-Man #1 ANMN (Reg./Vars.: FEB140664 / FEB140665 / FEB140666 / FEB140667 / FEB140668 / FEB140669 / FEB140670 / FEB140671 / FEB140672 / DEC138475 / FEB148188, $5.99 ea.) will include a reprint of Inhuman #1, bringing the issue to a total of 88 pages with no increase in price.
• Age of Ultron TP (FEB140842, $34.99) will be 288 pages, not 280 pages.
• Marvel Knights Hulk TP: Transformé (FEB140853, $14.99) will be 120 pages, not 112 pages.
• All New X-Factor #3 2nd Ptg. Anka Variant ANMN (FEB148093, $3.99) has been cancelled and will not be re-solicited.
• New Warriors #2 2nd Ptg. Perez Variant ANMN (FEB148099, $3.99) has been cancelled and will not be re-solicited.