Product Changes (7/9)
Jul 09, 2013
• The interior artist for The Rocketeer/The Spirit: Pulp Friction! #2 (Reg./Subscription Var.: JUN130349, JUN130350, $3.99 ea.) has changed from Paul Smith to Loston Wallace.
• What If AVX #4 (MAY130598, $3.99) will have interior art by Jorge Molina with Gerardo Sandoval, not solely Molina.
• Mighty Avengers #1 INF LEGO Jones Variant & Jones Sketch Variant, solicited with art by Christopher Jones, will now have art by Leonell Castellani.
• X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1 Deadpool Variant will be retitled X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1 Deadpool Struts Variant. The cover was correctly listed in the July PREVIEWS Retailer Order Form but Marvel Previews #12 solicited the cover as TBA.
• Infinity #3 Generals Variant (JUL130573, $3.99) will have a cover by In-Hyuk Lee, and will be retitled Infinity #3 Generals In Hyuk Lee Variant.
• Infinity Heist #1 (JUL130594, $3.99) will have interior art by Al Barrionuevo, not Ramon Bachs.
• CORRECTION: The cover artist for Nova #8 INF (JUL130596, $3.99), solicited with an incorrect spelling, will be Ed McGuinness.
• Nova #8 INF LEGO Jones Variant & Sketch Variant, solicited with art by Christopher Jones, will now have art by Leonell Castellani.
• Scarlet Spider #22 (JUL130625, $2.99) will have Christopher Yost providing the plot and Erik Burnham providing the script. It was solicited with no writing credit for the script.
• Uncanny Avengers #12 LEGO Jones Variant & Jones Sketch Variant, solicited with art by Christopher Jones, will now have art by Leonell Castellani.
• Wolverine and the X-Men #36 LEGO Jones Variant & Jones Sketch Variant, solicited with art by Christopher Jones, will now have art by Leonell Castellani.
• Guardians of the Galaxy Premiere HC Volume 1: Cosmic Avengers NOW (MAY130717, $24.99) will now run 144 pages, not 136 pages.