From McFarlane Toys. The Walking Dead comic book series tells the story of the months and years that come after the zombie apocalypse. It follows a group of survivors, led by Officer Rick Grimes, who travel in search of a safe and secure home.
The Walking Dead Comic Series 5 brings collectors four all-new action figures, each with 22 points of articulation, from the best-selling Image comic. One of the original survivors from Atlanta, Glenn was famous for putting himself in danger for the necessity of his group. Whether this was running for supplies, or diving in head first into a fight, he was always there to keep those he loved safe. This aspect made him one of Rick's closest and most dependable friends. Unfortunately no one is truly safe in this harsh world. Despite surviving countless dangers, Glenn meets his demise at the hands of Negan, when he and the group was captured while he was on his way to make a new home in Hilltop for his family. One of the most tragic deaths in the entire Walking Dead Series, his death was a catalyst for the war and chaos soon to follow.
Glenn comes dressed in his classic outfit with a jacket and baseball cap, an alternate smashed-in head, an axe, and a severed Rosita head on a stake with base, an homage to the recent events in the comic.