The Walking Dead comic book series tells the story of the months and years that come after the zombie apocalypse. It follows a group of survivors, led by Officer Rick Grimes, who travel in search of a safe and secure home.
The Walking Dead Comic Series 5 brings collectors four all-new action figures, each with 22 points of articulation, from the best-selling Image comic. Rick Grimes keeps his promises, and in an attempt to turn over a new leaf of not killing, Negan remains imprisoned for his crimes against Alexandria. That doesn't stop wise cracking Negan from trying to talk his way out from behind those prison bars. However to no avail has his attempts to earn Rick's trust earned him his freedom. But in a world filled with constant dangers, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and maybe one day Rick will free Negan as he is the lesser of two evils.
Negan: Imprisoned features the infamous villain dressed in his prisoner outfit, with long hair and grown out beard, and comes with his bat Lucille, a bucket, and a severed Ken head on a stake with base, an homage to the recent events in the comic.