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From Kotobukiya. The Merc with the Mouth is back in action! Deadpool is captured in mid-leap as he races across racks in a warehouse (whether he's there to steal or to protect innocents is up to you!). His action-packed pose has him kicking off with his right foot and just touching down on the next rack with his left. Deadpool has his arms spread out for balance and his head extended forward keeping his eyes on the prize. Wade's costume is incredibly detailed, fully replicating its appearance from the Marvel Now! comics era. Its red and black bodysuit has armored sections, seams, stitching, buckles, padding, mini Deadpool logos on the belt and the bottom of his shoes, and so much more. There are even sweet 90's style pouches, and because it's Deadpool some of them are upside-down! Sculpted by Junnosuke Abe, the stunning Super Deadpool is a towering 17" tall (1/6-scale) as he strides across the unique building features of this presentation.
In Shops: May 10, 2017
SRP: $149.99
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Your guide to the latest comics releases on January 29th. Discover the best new comics that are beginner-friendly and easy to jump into with our must-read recommendations for this week.

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