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SDCC16: Gotham Family Supports The Dark Knight

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Press Release

Room 6DE was full of fans of Batman and the Bat-family got the scoop on the latest happenings with the Dark Knight, and got first news on a recently announced Bat-title from best-selling writer Scott Snyder, as well as the first crossover since REBIRTH. The panel included BATMAN writer Tom King, BATGIRL AND THE BIRDS OF PREY co-writers Julie Benson and Shawna Benson and DETECTIVE COMICS writer James Tynion IV and Batman Group Editor Mark Doyle.

Following up his best-selling and record setting run on Batman, writer Scott Snyder gave fans a closer look at his next project debuting in August, ALL-STAR BATMAN. Snyder’s approach to this title really puts the “All Star” in Batman; he’ll be working with a who’s who of artists and examining why Batman has the best rogues gallery in comics, bar none.

The first story arc, “My Own Worst Enemy,” features that double-edged psychopath, Two-Face, brilliantly rendered by John Romita Jr. With Batman handcuffed to Two-Face on a cross country road trip to a possible cure for the villain, every assassin, bounty hunter, ordinary citizen with something to hide, and even a Bat-ally are chasing them down with one goal: Kill Batman! ALL-STAR BATMAN also features a backup story written by Snyder with art by Declan Shalvey highlighting Duke Thomas whose role in the Bat-universe has yet to be revealed…

Issue #1 of ALL-STAR BATMAN hits retailers on August 10.

Recently exclusive to DC and Vertigo for his work on SHERIFF OF BABYLON, OMEGA MEN and the ROBIN WAR miniseries, BATMAN writer Tom King gave fans an update on “I Am Gotham,” his debut arc penning the adventures of Batman. King discussed the incredible work being delivered by superstar artist David Finch, teased the role of heroes Gotham and Gotham Girl in the story as well as dropped hints about how current events lead into an upcoming crossover…

BATMAN #3 features the third chapter of “I AM GOTHAM,” and is on sale now, BATMAN #4 on August 3.

Co-writers Julie Benson and Shawna Benson gave fans the behind the scenes look at their plans for Batgirl, Black Canary and Huntress in “Who Is Oracle,” the first story arc for BATGIRL AND THE BIRDS OF PREY: REBIRTH, on sale now. Coming over to comics from a successful run as writers for the CW series “The 100,” they’re able to present a unique perspective on writing periodical comics as compared to writing for episodic television.

Writer James Tynion IV provides fans with insight on his debut story for DETECTIVE COMICS, “Rise of the Batmen.” Now that Batman realizes that he wants the next generation of young crimefighters trained to protect Gotham, he’s enlisted the help of Kate Kane, aka Batwoman, to be the taskmaster for this “bootcamp.” But it remains to be seen just exactly who’s ready to protect Gotham the Batman way. Chapter four of “Rise of the Batmen” is in the pages of DETECTIVE COMICS #937, on sale next Wednesday, July 27.  

Batman group editor Mark Doyle rounded out the panel, showing off the latest from the first crossover since the REBIRTH line relaunch, “Night of the Monster Men.” Guided by “showrunner” Steve Orlando (SUPERGIRL, MIDNIGHTER/APOLLO), this crossover runs through September and October in the pages of BATMAN, NIGHTWING and DETECTIVE COMICS, and brings to the forefront one of Batman’s oldest (like 1930’s old) villains; here’s a hint: If you’re reading BATMAN, you’ve probably already met him.

Chapter one of “Night of the Monster Men” begins in issue #7 of BATMAN, on sale September 21, with chapter two in NIGHTWING #5, on sale September 21 and DETECTIVE COMICS #941 on sale September 28 as chapter three.

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